Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Modern Confusion

What ever happen to having conversations and finishing then knowing that a connection has been made...........I miss this

What ever happen to being yourself and being accepted by that.........I am that

Why is it that ladies are loose and out of control and men are in love with that.............I do not understand this..........

I am tired of the endless nothings....of talking to someone for many of months and reaching nothing....why is it that women who say what it is that they want out of a relationships or friendships are considered crazy and when one does not fit into a certain category or cliche they are considered weird.

What ever happen to men and women connecting on mental, emotional, and spiritual levels?

"It's been such a long time I forgot that I was fine...If you want to feel me better be divine bring water for these flowers growing out my mind." Badu

I once rejected loneliness with the company of those whom did not challenge me mentally leaving me feeling drained and mindly malnourished learning that the companionship of oneself can bring understanding of life teachings better than that of simple minded conversations.

Is it to much for one to ask for deption that is not falsified by the media? Is it to much to want to dwell into life's journey in a pair?

Just sitting and wondering where in the hell has the deption gone and will it ever come back?

Until next time..........................................

Sorting Through Somethings

Well through this last month I have lost many individuals who were not strong enough to be with me or to put up with the things that are needed in allowing me to grow into a strong woman. Yet, the fact of the matter is that in the path of losing others I am finding out that there are some wonderful things about myself that I have subconsciously left in the abyss due to my committments to others. In committing myself to others I have disconnected myself from myself and that is not a very great thing to do. In losing others I am now finding myself. Knowing oneself is a very great feeling and I am enjoying in learning what else I have to offer.

Rambling and Pondering

Time is ever changing and evolving. Money nor people can control it. The mere essence of it is simply wonderful. Many times I am found trying to keep up with time and keep up with people finally realizing that I am only in control of what I will become. The rush to graduate and make something of myself. When I am fine with the person I am now why aren't others? Does a degree determine the intellectual capabilities of a person? Most would agree no instantly. Why the effort to take the time to complete a series of classes that allows people to awe about the mere fact that I have taken the time or the time has taken me to get a degree. Why I wonder can people be content with themselves and what they really want to do with life. If you are doing what you really want to do you will be happy and working won't be so much as a job as it is a hobby. Can a hobby be a job? I wonder of the day when I will be able to lecture to high school students or just people about doing what it is that they desire out of life. Time does not change but maybe if we are doing what we would like than it will become more enjoyable and challenging. Pondering of what the next person is doing will be a thing of the past.


Common Etiquette

Being raised in the south I have come to learn that there are ways that a lady should conduct themselves. These are a few acts that I feel young women in even today's society forget when out and about. In the times of today many women complain about the non existent of men or the failure to find a spouse that is equal to themselves. When addressing those questions one must also ask what am I portraying. Am I putting out what I would like to receive? These are just a few things to keep in mind at the next social you maybe attending.

1.Ladies are to always be well cleaned as well as well dressed.

2.It is not the attire that is but the conduct in the attire. If a prostitute and a lady wore the same dress the actions of the lady would distinguish the two.

3. When in the company of your spouse and his male counterparts. A lady is to be seen and not heard.

4. Upon the receipt of a gift a handwritten thank you card is the proper way to respond.

5. When leaving a engagement the gentleman should precede the lady.

6. Always keep a happy temper :)