Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Common Etiquette

Being raised in the south I have come to learn that there are ways that a lady should conduct themselves. These are a few acts that I feel young women in even today's society forget when out and about. In the times of today many women complain about the non existent of men or the failure to find a spouse that is equal to themselves. When addressing those questions one must also ask what am I portraying. Am I putting out what I would like to receive? These are just a few things to keep in mind at the next social you maybe attending.

1.Ladies are to always be well cleaned as well as well dressed.

2.It is not the attire that is but the conduct in the attire. If a prostitute and a lady wore the same dress the actions of the lady would distinguish the two.

3. When in the company of your spouse and his male counterparts. A lady is to be seen and not heard.

4. Upon the receipt of a gift a handwritten thank you card is the proper way to respond.

5. When leaving a engagement the gentleman should precede the lady.

6. Always keep a happy temper :)

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